
Mortgage Loan Financing – Purposes for Which You Can Avail the Loan

When it comes to financing, not many loan options are as versatile as mortgage loans. These are funding options that bring into their ambit a wide range of financing purposes, right from house purchase to business set-up. So, we may as well say that these are all-encompassing loans that provide for the financing of households as well as businesses. Only that you may find the types or name of the loan different as customised to suit the specific funding need.

One of the short term loans that can provide financial relief until your next payback comes is known as payday loan. With quick and easy online application anyone can get this loan for immediate expenditures.

Mortgage Financing for Household Purposes

There can be several reasons why a household may need funding. Some of them are identified below to help with your borrowing decisions.

1. For house purchase

Mortgage loans that typically fulfil house purchase financing needs are more commonly known as home loans. These are high-value advances and use the house so purchased for collateral creation to provide necessary financing. All other loan types are easy to fulfil and categorised under loan against property, an advance that comes with no restrictions to end-use.

2. For overseas education

Higher education has become significantly costly today, with education in overseas universities commanding critical costs. A property loan can easily fulfil such a cost depending on the current market value of the property so secured.

3. For wedding

Weddings in India are fast becoming costly affairs, with trends like destination wedding inviting high expenditure overalls. Mortgage loans like loan against property can suitably fulfil such expenditures. As the loan against property interest rates remain in check, these loans are ideally affordable too.

4. Offshore travel

Travelling to foreign lands can be one of the life aspirations involving huge funding. While savings may not suffice such funding, a property loan may serve just right in this case.

5. Medical emergencies

Medical emergencies can be another situation in which a property loan can serve just right as these loans are easily and quickly accessible to eligible candidates.

Mortgage Financing for Business/Profession

You may also need high-value funding for your business and profession, with the following being some of the possible purposes that a mortgage loan can suffice.

1. For capital infusion to existing business

A business up and running often comes across the need for capital infusion from time to time, either in the long run or immediately. As these funding needs can be typically high, a property loan can come to the rescue suitably.

2. For setting up a new venture

Mortgage loans like loan against property also serve right when planning to set up a new business. As financing a business set-up can be a challenge under the business financing segment due to the various compliances involved, a property loan works up just right to substitute such funding.

3. To expand the businesses

A running business planning to expand its operations to a new location or to scale up the current capacity can also suitably avail a property loan. The only thing is that they need to fulfil all the eligibility requirements set by the lender.

Several other business financing needs can also be fulfilled with the help of a mortgage loan. For instance, the business may need funding for office space renovation, skilled hiring, etc. With some of the best lenders, the financing value of these advances can go as high as Rs.2 Crore to Rs.5 Crore. Nevertheless, it is always advisable to be prudent when borrowing and avail only as much funding as needed to keep your credit dependency in check.