
Some legal advices for starting a homemade food business in California

If you are going to sell homemade food you will most likely need a permit. In the United States, these permits are called “cottage food permits” or “cottage food licenses”. Most states, including California, have a list of foods that can be sold. The type of permit, and its cost, will depend on whether it is sold directly to the consumer (such as at a fair or on the street) or whether it is sold through stores or third parties. In addition, it is common for the person who is going to sell to be required to take a course on food safety and food preparation.

If you are in California and you are going to start a homemade food business, a question may arise in your mind “Is selling homemade food legal in California”? At Nakase law firm there is a complete guide on selling homemade food in California. In order to operate in California, both cottage food producers and microenterprise home kitchens need to get a permit from their county department of health. To receive this permit, they will first need to do a food processor course that has been approved by the California Department of Public Health. In order to receive a Class A permit, cottage food producers have to perform a self-certification checklist.

Tips for selling homemade food.

One of the most common ways to start a business is to head to the kitchen. Even in times of crisis, the food market always has a clientele, and it is often possible to undertake without leaving home. But if the sector is already so competitive, how can you sell food at home? Here are some tips of selling homemade food.

Know the market you are entering

Before you venture out and sell cakes and sweets, for example, do a quick survey of the number of people who already work selling these types of food near you. If there are too many, you run the risk of being just one more and your business may not work out. So try to make a unique cooking strategy that will help you rocket your food business in less time.

Do your homework

It’s not enough to be familiar with the kitchen or be the official family cook on Sundays to earn money from it. It may seem easy, but starting a business in the food industry requires planning and focus. Choose the menu you are most familiar with, define who the suppliers will be and schedule your purchases. Create a spreadsheet with menu options and food expiration dates. Organize delivery: regardless of who will deliver, the product must be packed in appropriate thermal packaging.

Keep the kitchen in order

Although your “professional” kitchen is the same one you use in your daily life, it is important to always keep it in order, with food organized by expiration dates and with labels that specify consumption times for the customer. Wear gloves and a hair cap whenever you handle food, prioritize disposable packaging and ensure that the place is always hygienic.

Create a custom package with your food information

When selling homemade food, it is essential that you have a package with minimal information, such as: expiration date, ingredients used, conservation method and, if possible, nutritional information. It may seem silly, but the more professional your service is, the more customers you will win. Another tip is that your packaging contains a visual identity, a logo, which will strengthen your brand.

Seek improvement

When you realize that your venture has achieved success, with organized accounts and clientele, set aside a part of the budget to invest in improvement courses. The more specialized, the better your business and the more money you will make selling food.