
7 Interesting Facts About Cursive Handwriting

Many administrators and teachers feel handwriting is not necessary. Even they believe that the time would be better spent if they teach students to keyboard typing skills. In today’s modern world, technology and computers are in full swing to revamp different aspects of our lives. There are still a few people who prefer scripting on paper with a pen. They believe learning stylized calligraphy is still very relevant and should not be dismissed at any cost. It sounds like a familiar debate in schools related to different types of write-ups. 

Cursive writing is making a comeback in this digital aura. Many educational institutes and even American states have normalized this scripting style as part of their curriculum. Undoubtedly, keyboarding will help students to be competent in the computer-driven age. But exceptional calligraphy skills can bring cognitive and visual benefits to children.  

Here we have a detailed list highlighting the seven interesting facts about cursive handwriting. Let’s go through them. 

Cursive Makes Children Smarter

According to Dr. William Klemm, the “Memory Medic,” cursive writing makes children smarter. He says that practicing writing by hand sharpens your brain to correctly integrate various forms of information. It includes the visual and tangible inputs while applying fine motor skills. It means you have repetitive chances to improve your calligraphy and strengthen your grip on linguistics. Moreover, he suggests that longhand can provide similar benefits to the brain as learning to play the piano. 

Longhand Is An Art Form

With the advent of technology, many schools, universities, and even businesses are cutting art from their budget. They are embracing digitalization to its fullest, which is an excellent barrier to the development of students. However, longhand is a considerable art form, as it has immense creativity and stylization. The lettering style is one of more ways for learners to develop their intellectual skills. At the same time, this technique enables them to activate their creative modes. Hence, learning cursive handwriting gets another point to highlight its significance in educational and professional careers. 

Joining Writing Is Beyond Your Imagination

Forming letters with hands using a pen or pencil is cognitively different from pushing keys on a keyboard. Learning the formation of letters includes an unbreakable connection with the movement of hands. This also impacts the visual response to seeing the notes on the page. Multiple things are happening simultaneously, i.e., the movement of hands and the formation of strokes. The thought of the letter and visual cues of the alphabet can also not be missed. This is where reading and writing are synchronized, which is a necessary skill. 

Just like drawing, lettering is another state of the art that lets you fully understand the English language. Moreover, it gives creative insights on how to connect words to motor memory. Learning joining lettering is vital for improving spelling skills, allowing children to recognize the word they are reading. In comparison, typing does not have the same impact on the brain as it doesn’t require the same fine motor skills and simultaneous activities.  

Improved Neural Connections

Cursive handwriting stimulates the brain in numerous ways that typing cannot. It improves neural connections by working on dynamic interplays of the left and the right intellectual hemispheres. While on the other hand, it increases mental effectiveness. Even the assignment helper websites also emphasize students practice joining alphabet formation. Still not convinced? 

Here is a research-based fact. Virginia Bringer, a famous researcher and University of Washington professor, concluded his research on human psychology and calligraphy. In his study, he stated that our brain captures the movement of the hand while spelling out. It means that the next time you are going to write, the formation of the alphabet will be in your mind, directing your hands to write flawlessly. 

In the light of this research, it is evident that calligraphy has a strong connection with your mind, letting your form letters more creatively. 

Self-Discipline And Professionalism

While learning cursive handwriting, many beginners may find it difficult or even give up too early. Usually, they struggle with forming letters, connection, and readability. Understandably, the forming of letters and joining them have a big difference. But it is a next-level art that you can master. However, you will feel a bit tricky on the first attempt, but with time you will feel like it’s a piece of cake!  

Another interesting fact is this stylized inscription has become a standard in business organizations. Employees with cursive signatures are given honour and are considered to be a person who looks clean, educated, and professionally added by the writers of

Make Disables Feel Confident 

Cursive letter formation is a blessing for the disabled. Though it may sound odd, we have an excellent reason that will surely convince you to agree with the above statement. Students with disabilities feel unvalued because they cannot learn, read and compose things like an average person. 

Usually, students who have dyslexia face a tough time with writing because they cannot form similarly-looking letters like b and d. Stylo-graphic letters have blessed their curse as the formation of letters and strokes are entirely different. It gives dyslexia students an option to decrease their dyslexic tendencies, making them more confident in their abilities. 

Grammar, Spelling, And Overall Understanding

Students who learn writing find themselves better at understanding sentence form. The round-hand spell-out style has the potential to help learners improve their grammar. At the same time, it assists them in spelling correction and overall understanding of the dos and don’ts of the English language. Though these skills are not developed at once, making things clear and flawless takes time. 

The best part of this stylized lettering is many programming assignment helper platforms have included monotype cursive in their code scripts for including comments. These comments help computer operators understand coding specifications. It seems that this font format has expanded exposure among various industries. 


Without a doubt, learning to type is a requirement of today’s modern era, but calligraphy has its benefits. However, it can be demanding to know, but it has much more to teach its learners. Good handwriting builds solid neural connections, assists children in composing their thoughts, and brings ample creativity. What’s more, it helps those struggling with dyslexia as a treatment for their deficiency in recognizing alphabets. So we can say focusing on handwriting should be a part of our curriculum.  All in all, these seven interesting facts about cursive handwriting must ignite your passion at best.