Social Media

How to See Unsent message on Facebook Messenger?

You can send messages to friends, or groups of friends, by using Facebook Messenger on your Android phone. To start a conversation with someone else, open the app and tap on the chat icon in the top-right corner of your screen. Then type their name into the search box at the top of the screen and press enter.

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Why does Facebook need a new Messenger for Android app?

The existing Facebook Messenger app for Android is a pretty big file, so if you’re using it on an older phone or poor internet, it won’t work terribly well. Some phones don’t even have space for it, and some people just don’t want to download apps where they can help it.

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If you’re wondering why Facebook needs a new Messenger app for Android, here are some of the biggest reasons:

  • It’s easier to use. The old app was great, but it was also a lot more complicated and had lots of features that you probably didn’t need. The new Messenger for Android app has only the most important functions, so it’s easier to use right away.
  • It’s faster and more reliable. With its new design and code base, this version of Messenger is much faster than the old one—it takes less time to send messages or open your inbox than before! And because it uses less memory than before (which means less strain on your phone), there are fewer crashes or freezes when using this upgraded version too!

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  • It’s more secure–and therefore safer: On top of being fast and stable at all times while running in low-power mode when not actively being used by someone else who wants access their account without having logged out first (something which could happen accidentally), this update includes several additional security measures such as two-factor authentication support with hardware tokens from Yubico devices like those made by Nano – Card Plus series which means even if someone does manage somehow access your accounts because they guess/steal them somehow then unless they also know what type device.

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  • I mentioned above since only those specific ones work properly with its software then none would be able (even if somehow did) gain access unless accessing via another device besides where originally set up initially due process protocols require multiple steps before any transaction such “including authorizing” occurs automatically upon entering correct credentials once logged into account from next time onwards forever until changed again manually yourself either temporarily suspend indefinitely depending on how often accessed daily basis needs dictate;

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How do I send messages via the Facebook website?

To open a conversation with a friend, click the Messages icon in the top right of the screen, click New Message and type your friend’s name into the search box at the top of the screen. Then type your message, press enter, and send it. If you’re viewing a Facebook page, click Messenger in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen to start a conversation.


To open a conversation with a friend, click the Messages icon in the top right of the screen, click New Message and type your friend’s name into the search box at the top of the screen. Then type your message, press enter and send it. If you’re viewing a Facebook page, click Messenger in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen to start a conversation.

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Facebook Messenger is a great tool for staying in touch with friends and family. You can send messages, photos, videos and more all from your phone or computer. These tips will help you get the most out of Facebook Messenger so that you never miss another message again!

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