
How long does it take to get a Docker certification?

The Docker Certified Associate (DCA) exam acts as proof of your skills to work as a Docker expert for organizations. The certificate is a benchmark that showcases your real-world Docker skills. Professionals with the DCA certification have an edge over their competitors as they are uniquely qualified to run enterprise workloads at scale using Docker Enterprise Edition. But there is a misunderstanding that getting a Docker certification is a difficult and time-consuming process. However, the truth is, with the right guidance and effort, you can become a Docker Certified Associate in no time!

So how long does it really take to obtain your Docker Certification? The simple answer to the above question is – as soon as you finish a DCA certification course. This duration can be as short as 3 months if you are taking up a Docker Certification training Bootcamp. Or it could be as long as you like if you opt for a self-paced course with lifelong access. But which of these paths is more suitable for you? What are the perks of taking a Bootcamp over a self-paced course? And which is the best certification in the market to become a Docker expert? Continue reading to find answers to all these questions that are probably buzzing in your head right now.

How to quickly prepare for the DCA Certification?

Without any delay, let’s look at the steps you need to take to obtain a Docker Certification. Firstly, you need to do sufficient hands-on practice for this exam, even though the exam is theoretical. This is due to the abundance of information about Docker, and it isn’t easy to memorize all of this in the form of theory. It is best to install a Docker for Desktop on your system and practice as much as you can.

A good Docker training must be aligned with the Docker Certified Associate (DCA) and should cover the fundamentals of Docker. Moreover, you should learn the role of Docker in the DevOps lifecycle; create containers, swarms, images, volumes, and networks with Docker; learn client-server authentication, and define Docker security client bundles.

Steps to prepare for DCA Certification in 3 months

Even though Docker recommends 6 to 12 months of real-time experience, it is observed that installing Docker on your machine and practicing with all the sections of the study guide on a regular basis can cut down this time to just 3 months! This experience is more than sufficient to clear the exam. Below, we have provided the steps you can take to successfully prepare for the Docker certification training in 3 months:

  1. Those who wish to take this exam need to practice regularly on the tool. No amount of theoretical learning will substitute for actual hands-on practice. They must allocate separate time to practice each section. Install Docker on any operating system: Windows, Mac OS, CentOS, Fedora, Debian, or Ubuntu.
  2. After installing Docker on your operating system, start with Image creation and management. Use the study guide to practice each section.
  3. List out all the important points from all the sections as you practice. Make a list of at least 250 questions. The list comes in handy during revisions you take the exam, or you can just go through that list.
  4. If you don’t know the way to answer any question at first glance, skip it and come back to it later. Mark these questions so that you can easily find them and answer them later. You get exactly 90 minutes to answer 55 questions, giving you around one and a half minutes to answer each question. Most students do not face a lack of time while attending the exam.
  5. Most people install the community edition on their machines. However, many don’t know that Docker offers a free trial of their enterprise version for 30 days. It is recommended to use this free trial as the Docker certification exam also focuses on the EE topics (UCP, DTR, DCT, etc.)
  6. Read books on Docker to deepen your understanding. Most beginners start with the book: Docker Deep Dive book by Nigel Poulton. Read multiple bools to become familiar with multiple perspectives.
  7. If you get doubts during your preparation and cannot find the answers in the Docker docs, search the web and read multiple blogs to further your understanding of the topic. It is also advisable to follow reliable tech blogs on the topic.
  8. It is highly advisable to take a DCA certification course to find all the necessary resources in a single platform and speed up your preparation.
  9. You can schedule the exam and prepare for the exam after you feel comfortable enough with the topics. If, for any reason, you have a need to reschedule the exam, you can easily do it even on the exam day! However, once you attempt the exam, there is no free retake. So attempt the exam only if you feel confident in your practice. Else reschedule it to a later date.
  10. Remember that the Docker exam will contain some Kubernetes questions as well. It is best to understand how Kube and Docker work together and gets some hands-on practice with both these tools.

Immediately before the exam

Take a sample test and check your level of preparedness one day before the exam. If you feel a need for further preparation and want to reschedule the exam, you can do it anytime on the exam day – even an hour before the exam. Make sure that you revise well so that you can remember the topics well during the exam.

During the DCA Certification exam

The DCAexam can be started within 15 minutes of the scheduled time. After starting the exam, you have to wait until the proctor connects with you. Once the proctor has sent you the GoToMeeting link, you can connect with him via video call. After the initial greetings, the proctor will ask you to show him the complete room to make sure that you are alone, you have a clear desk area, there is nobody in the room, etc., and then he/she will explain all the rules of the exam. Occasionally they might also check the internet speed of your network as well. There must be a minimum speed of 4Mbps to take the exam. In rare cases, the proctor might ask you to send your zoom link so that they can monitor through video. If the proctor is satisfied with all the setup, he/she will verify your government ID and ask you to validate some agreement pages. Once you are done with all the above steps, you can finally start the exam. The individual exam counter begins as soon as the proctor starts the exam. In case of any issues during the exam, you can communicate with the proctor.

After the Docker Certification exam

As soon as you finish your DCA certification exam, you will get the exam results on the screen. If you pass the test, you will also get the congratulation email to your registered mail ID. Additionally, you would get the Docker associate badge along with the link to the Linkedin group exclusive for successfully completing the exam. Your Docker credentials and exam-related data are maintained by Accredible, who also provides your certification. You can share this certificate on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.

Who should take Docker certification?

Online Docker Certification Training is beneficial for:

  • Developers
  • Testers
  • Cloud professionals
  • Solutions architects
  • Systems administrators
  • Release engineers

We hope that your doubts regarding DCA certification training have been answered. Best wishes for your DCA certification preparation!