
Feeding Therapy: Improving Nutrition and Health for Children in Atlanta

Feeding therapy is a specialized type of therapy that focuses on helping children who have difficulties with eating and feeding. Children may have feeding difficulties for a variety of reasons, such as developmental delays, medical conditions, sensory processing challenges, or behavioral issues. Feeding difficulties can have a significant impact on a child’s nutrition and overall health, as well as their social and emotional well-being.

In Atlanta, there are many providers of feeding therapy, including Talk About Therapy – Speech Therapy, a private practice that offers feeding therapy services for children of all ages. The feeding therapists at Talk About Therapy – Speech Therapy use evidence-based techniques to help children improve their feeding skills and achieve their nutritional goals.

Feeding therapy typically involves a comprehensive evaluation of the child’s feeding skills and behaviors, as well as any underlying medical or developmental issues that may be contributing to the feeding difficulties. Based on the evaluation, the feeding therapist will develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses the child’s specific feeding challenges and goals.

Treatment may involve a range of interventions, such as:

  • Oral motor exercises to improve the strength and coordination of the mouth muscles used for eating and swallowing
  • Sensory integration therapy to address sensory processing challenges related to food textures, tastes, and smells
  • Behavioral interventions to address challenging behaviors related to eating, such as refusal or aversion to certain foods
  • Parent education and coaching to support the child’s feeding development and progress outside of therapy sessions.

Feeding therapy can have a significant impact on a child’s nutrition and overall health, as it can help children overcome their feeding difficulties and develop healthy eating habits. Feeding therapy can also promote social and emotional well-being, as children who are able to eat and feed successfully may have greater confidence and self-esteem.

Talk About Therapy – Speech Therapy is a trusted provider of high-quality feeding therapy services in Atlanta. Their experienced feeding therapists use evidence-based techniques and a family-centered approach to help children improve their feeding skills and achieve their nutritional goals. If you have concerns about your child’s feeding development, seeking the help of a feeding therapist can make a significant difference in your child’s health and well-being.