8 Little Known Benefits of CBD Oils and How You Can Use It for Your Health

Cannabidiol oil, most commonly known as CBD oil, has remained a popular option for many health-related conditions since ancient times.

Today, many continue to use CBD oil as an excellent treatment for common health conditions.

It serves as a wonderful alternative to over-the-counter medications.

But what is really the advantage of taking CBD oil? How does it help your health?

This article tackles what CBD oil is, its benefits, and how it can help your overall health and well-being.

What is CBD oil?

CBD oil comes from the cannabis plant, specifically the legal hemp plant. Unlike its marijuana counterpart, which contains potential harm due to its delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) property, CBD in hemp is not psychoactive. It only features potential benefits for medical purposes.

In 2020, about one-third of Americans used CBD products, including oil, to treat common conditions such as chronic pain. Additionally, over 64 percent of adults are familiar with products developed out of it.

The extracted CBD from the cannabis plant is generally safe. CBD oil is legal to use in some states, such as California, New York, and Florida, as long as it is derived from the hemp plant.

Thus, it makes for an appealing alternative for common ailments without the potential psychoactive effects.

Here’s a rundown of the benefits of CBD oils and how you can use them to improve your health.

CBD oil helps relieve stress and anxiety

CBD oil can function as a stress reliever or when your anxiety shoots up. It can calm down your senses, leading to a more peaceful and focused outlook.

While the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not yet endorsed CBD as an anxiolytic or anxiety relief medication, studies have shown how CBD oil has positively impacted people with anxiety and stress.

A study in 2020 reveals that 76 pieces of research completed from 2019 to 2020 show positive results among people with conditions such as stress and depression.

Another research concludes the significant impact of CBD among 397 participants with various ailments.

Participants with non-cancer and mental health-related symptoms see an improved condition with lesser anxiety and depression.

Experts also note positive change in doing regular activities without a mental and emotional breakdown.

Moreover, CBD is a potential treatment for other mental health conditions such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and phobia.

CBD oil may have neuroprotective properties

CBD oil consists of neuroprotective properties that reduce symptoms of brain disorders.

For example, seizures that come from conditions such as epilepsy, drug overdose, and brain infections can be reduced with CBD oil.

CBD works by changing the functions of your endocannabinoid system or your body’s neurotransmitters and receptors.

The system regulates your body’s sleep, pain, immune system response, and appetite.

When CBD oil interacts with the system, the receptors are modified, resulting in easier management of seizures.

Highly-purified CBD is also an effective and safe treatment for the following neurological disorders:

  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Dravet syndrome
  • Lennox Gastaut syndrome
  • Tuberous sclerosis complex
  • Other drug-resistant epilepsies

CBD oil may benefit heart health

High blood pressure is associated with multiple health risks, including heart attack, stroke, and diabetes.

People with difficulty managing their blood pressure can benefit from using CBD oil. The extract helps lower high blood pressure and your overall heart condition and circulatory system.

In a research, 26 men were given 600 mg of CBD for a week and showed significantly lower blood pressure compared to a placebo group. It also showed positive results in reduced arterial stiffness and improved blood flow.

CBD oil may reduce pain and inflammation

CBD oil deals with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which regulates pain. This benefits people who experience chronic pain, joint pain, and arthritis.

Many also use CBD oil for its anti-inflammatory properties that prevent swelling and development of body pain, such as back pain. 

The compound is a good option for pain management without experiencing adverse side effects. 

CBD oil could help fight cancer

Although there is still no definite cure for cancer, the properties of CBD oil have tremendously improved patient management and treatment of the disease.

The compound halts the growth of cancer cell growth. CBD oil is also said to promote the destruction of harmful cells while maintaining no harm to the patient with its low toxicity levels.

CBD helps in cancer prevention and management with the following functions:

• Reduce anxiety

• Prevent cancer cell growth

• Improve immune system during cancer treatment

• Facilitate improved chemotherapy results

• Lowers side effects of chemotherapy, such as nausea and vomiting 

CBD oil may reduce acne

Acne is one of the most common skin diseases that affect over 40 to 50 million individuals in the United States. Often develops during puberty stage up to adulthood, acne affects not only your physical health but also your overall well-being.

This condition comes from excess sebaceous glands in the body that clogs the skin’s surface. It causes inflammation that may result in unwanted breakouts.

Applying topical skin creams and ointment with CBD oil as one of the main ingredients can help reduce acne.

CBD oil promotes the reduction of sebum production in the body due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Aside from acne, CBD oil also reduces inflammation for other skin diseases, such as psoriasis, which often occurs with flare-ups.

CBD oil may help treat substance abuse

Research experts have turned their attention to CBD oil as a potential treatment for substance abuse.

CBD is known to impact the brain’s circuitry, which controls one’s drug craving and other drug-related behaviors, including stress.

It can also ward off anxiety during anti-depressant activities which may cause relapses in drug use.

Additionally, cortisol, the stress hormone, is lowered simultaneously with a significant balance in heart rate among people who undergo drug abstinence.

CBD oil could promote better sleep

The compound has also shown positive effects on people who struggle with insomnia.

One reason for insomnia is anxiety, which shows significant improvement with using CBD oil.

According to a study, 80 percent of people with anxiety have improved symptoms, including anxiety. About 60 percent developed better sleep.

This effect happens when CBD oil interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system and promotes balance in the body, including sleep.

CBD oil for better health

The CBD compound has long been used since ancient times and is still a common and popular alternative for health conditions until now.

It promotes pain relief, better sleep, improved cancer treatment, and many others.

While many studies have proved its effectiveness, using CBD oil as a treatment still needs further investigation.

If you are considering this option for your health condition, medical experts recommend you consult your physician. Specialists can guide you on what safe dose to take, considering your health background.

Once given the clearance, it’s time to look for the best CBD oil products in the market. When shopping for CBD oil, look for stores that sell only premium and quality products.

You can consider getting your first set of CBD oils from Atmos CBD products, a trusted CBD oil supplier with a wide range of options.

Want to experience the benefits of CBD oil to your body? Try CBD oil and see how it can work on improving your health.