
5 Big Reasons to Use Corporate Intranet Portal

Looking for a way to maximize recruitment by employees of an corporate intranet portal, do we need to try more than encourage people to use it? By encouraging small businesses to use the intranet platform and tailoring it to the specific needs of their users, employers can start using their employee intranet solution through their applications.

Here are some of the main benefits of using open source intranet software:


With open Corporate Intranet Portal software, any company can build a structure that flexibly integrates with the organization’s existing corporate structure. However, be aware that departments and silos are also important parts of a company’s identity. Enterprises often have IT and financial silos. By using open source software on your corporate intranet portal, you can control how your content is organized not only in terms of menus, but also in terms of metadata design and tagging in taxonomy.


Another benefit of using a small business employee intranet solution is the limitations of structuring company data: the types of files uploaded and the way employees collaborate. Starting with a solid functional foundation gives you more flexibility to transform your organization from within. You can add modules and extend functionality to facilitate communication with your employees.


People using the new employee’s intranet do not want to remember new sets of login credentials or develop new habits. With the right intranet platform, it fits well into your existing workflow. After that, the use of this new integrated system will be very smooth. The single sign-on system makes it easy for users to access without getting stuck in an infinite loop on the login page. You can easily pull data from other platforms and share or view it on your corporate intranet portal platform. You can also easily and automatically create a set of contacts from existing employee records in the database. You can also easily connect to Slack, Microsoft, or other internal communication channels.


The search experience using these corporate intranet portal platforms is also flexible and customizable. Use your intuition to help you find content on your platform. Well integrated with open source, it provides a flexible space to search experiences, find the information employees are looking for, and understand their behavior and needs.


Open source corporate intranet portal is free. Therefore, the only payment you have to pay is not the platform itself, but the actual design and development of the software to meet your intranet needs. This gives you more flexibility, smaller and more acceptable budget for integrating Employee Intranet Solution into your organization. This allows organizations to focus on the resources they need to build the best user experience for their employers.

These reasons are sufficient when deciding whether to continue to purchase enterprise intranet software from open source.