
How to Check Your Fab Balance

FAB Bank provides financial services and products worldwide. Their selection includes prepaid cards. To check your FAB balance, just follow these simple steps.

The Fab Balance Enquiry scale appears to be an accurate and valid tool for measuring balance function in higher-functioning older adults, distinguishing well between participants with various balance abilities. Further examination of concurrent validity using Rasch-generated expected item scoring patterns would be warranted.

Functional Assessment of Balance in Concussion (FAB-C)

Presently, there is no clinical tool that assesses all components of postural control that might be affected by sport-related concussion (SRC), so the goal of this research was to create and conduct a preliminary evaluation of a functional assessment battery called Functional Assessment of Balance in Concussion (FAB-C).

FAB-C includes seven performance-based clinical tests and a symptom checklist, selected from among 13 candidate tests identified through an initial screening process comparing each one’s purpose and established clinimetric properties. Finally, seven were selected after carefully considering which tests needed to be included as coverage of postural control and movement strategies that might be affected by SRC.

The FAB-C battery appeared to be practical for all uninjured participants who successfully completed it and without experiencing adverse events or excessive administration time (median total administration time: 49 minutes; cost: $100 Canadian Dollars). Correlations among FAB-C battery components were limited with moderate to high correlations observed among single task Tandem Gait Test, Clinical Reaction Time Test and Sport-Related Movement Control Test only while more substantial correlations existed among Turn and Go and Lateral Shuffle tests of the battery.


Fab Balance scales feature an internal mechanism to calibrate their balance by loading it with a prescribed calibration mass, making for easier tracking and calibration processes. Furthermore, some newer balances also support an abacus function for internal calibration purposes.

The FAB scale appears to be an effective tool for assessing balance functions among high-functioning older adults, boasting high intraclass correlation coefficients and Bland-Altman limits of agreement. Furthermore, it can distinguish among participants of different balance abilities; more research needs to be conducted into concurrent validity to ascertain its diagnostic and prescriptive utility.

Conventional reliability models do not adequately account for the inherent characteristics of FABs due to factors like concurrent production of various products, reentrant flows and recipe arrangement issues. Therefore, we propose an alternate methodology which consists of three reliability functions; an entire FAB’s, tool groups’ and individual tools’ reliability functions.

Concurrent Validity

Concurrent validity measures how well a test correlates with established measures of its subject matter. This correlation, known as its “concurrent validity coefficient”, can help assess how accurate new measures may be. Concurrent validity can be seen as one form of criterion validity, though different from convergent validity.

To evaluate concurrent validity, two measures are administered simultaneously or as close to simultaneously as possible, regardless of their relationship to one another or whether they address similar construct areas. Correlation analysis between them will then reveal if their correlation levels are high – an indicator that their concurrent validity has been fully realized.

Checking your salary card balance is a quick and straightforward process that can be accomplished from any computer, tablet or mobile device. Simply visit FAB website or their app on mobile, enter the last two digits of your card number, click “go”, and your current balance will then appear onscreen.

Predictive Validity

Predictive validity, as a subtype of criterion validity, measures how closely a test or measurement corresponds with an outcome variable that will be assessed at some future point – this could include diseases or job performance – or characteristics like personality or SAT scores.

Studies of predictive validity involve gathering information on a group prior to measuring its criterion at some later point (retrospective). This form of validation can be useful when employing employment tests and psychological measurements like personality inventories and risk factor surveys for diseases.

Rasch analysis was utilized in this study to analyze the psychometric properties of the CBM and revealed its excellent concurrent validity compared to FAB as well as moderate-to-good predictive validity compared to other advanced balance tests for older adults. This is an important finding as being able to accurately predict outcomes such as falls is one of the key goals in clinical practice.