
Travelling to India for tourism or business reasons? Here’s your visa application guide

Planning on going to India for tourist or business purposes?

Whether you want to explore the delicious cuisine, unique culture, colourful celebrations and spectacular architecture – we know millions of tourists do so every year!

OR go over for business meetings or conferences

Either way, let’s talk about the Indian eVisa valid airports you’ll need – the Indian E-visa!

In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Indian E-visa, including:

  • What is an Indian E-visa?
  • What’s the difference between the business and tourist E-visas?
  • Requirements
  • How to apply
  • What airports in India accept E-visa
  • Has your visa been rejected? Here’s why and how to prevent it
  • Who can help me apply for my E-visa?

What is an Indian E-visa?

Let’s take a step back. What do we mean by an E-visa?

E-visa is an acronym for electronic visa and is simply an electronic authorization to enter India.

People from over 160 countries can apply for the India E-visa.

There’s three subcategories of the E-visa for India:

  • Business
  • Medical
  • Tourist

This article will cover the E-visa for business and tourist purposes!

You’ll need to apply for this visa from your home country – before travelling to India.

The Indian business and tourist E-visas are valid for one year since it has been granted to you.

Note: once you arrive in India with any of the subcategories of the Indian Visa requirements, it cannot be extended.

However, if you would like to stay longer in India, you can apply for a traditional Indian visa, which means you’ll have to go to the embassy near you.

Visa First can help you to register even for a traditional visa and what’s more, if you’re in Dublin they can help you through the entire process!

Apply For Your Indian Visas

What’s the difference between the business and tourist E-visas?

Tourist E-visa

If you want to explore India, visit friends and family or if you want to go over for a yoga retreat you can apply for the E-visa for tourist purposes!

But there are some exceptions:

  • No Tourist E-visa needed if you’re from Nepal or Bhutan
  • No Tourist E-visa needed if you’re from Maldives and are visiting for 90 days only
  • Can obtain a Tourist E-visa on arrival if you’re from Japan, South Korea or the United Arab Emirates

Your tourist E-visa will be valid for 90 days,

Or 180 if you’re from:

  • Canada
  • Japan
  • UK
  • USA

Business E-visa

You can travel to India on a Business E-visa for:

  • Business meetings
  • Carrying out tours
  • Delivering lectures under the Global Initiative for Academic Networks
  • Recruiting
  • Working on a project
  • Purchasing, selling or trading
  • Starting a business
  • Partaking in business, trade affairs or exhibitions

The Business E-visa is valid for 180 days and you can enter India up to two times.

Ready to apply for your E-visa?

You can apply for your Indian E-visa easily with Visa First.

They will take care of the entire application process and increase your chances of a successful outcome!

There are a couple of things you’ll need to apply for any subcategory of the E-visa:

  • Copy of your personal page of your passport
  • Passport formatted electronic photo (a different one to your passport)
  • Completed application form
  • Email address
  • Credit or debit card for application fees
  • Return ticket
  • Show adequate funds at the port of entry

Note: your passport must be valid for a minimum of six months after your arrival in India.

Business visa requirements

As well as the above information and documents, a business visa will also require you to have:

  • Name and address of the host or company in India
  • Invitation letter or Business card
  • The Indian’s company website
  • Business card or email signature

How much does an Indian E-visa cost?

Visa First can help you to obtain your Indian E-visa starting from €139.

How to apply for your e-visa for India?

You can apply yourself, but why go through the stress of dealing with the paperwork?

That’s why Visa First is here for you!

You can begin by checking your eligibility on our website by selecting your nationality, current location, where you are travelling to and the purpose of your visit.

Once you know you are eligible you can complete the application form and leave the rest of the paperwork to us!

Now you’ll have to wait and see if you have been granted or refused an E-visa.

How long does it take to get an Indian E-visa?

It takes approximately two to four business days to have your E-visa processed and sent to you by email if your application is successful.

If you have been granted an E-visa, you’ll receive an email with it. You then have to print a copy of it and bring it with you when travelling to India.

On your entry, you’ll also need your passport with a minimum of two blank pages so that you can get a stamp on your arrival and departure.

Biometric information will be collected from you when you arrive at an airport in India, i.e. fingerprints.

Moreover, if you are from one of the countries affected by Yellow Fever, India requires that you have proof of vaccination at the port of entry – a Yellow Fever Vaccination Card.