
5 Tips for Your First Time Getting Physical Therapy

Sometimes we find ourselves in a situation where things aren’t going to get better on their own. This might be the result of surgery or maybe something like a car accident. While we’d never choose to be in a situation like either of those, we can choose to exert all the possible effort in getting better. Taking on the challenge of physical therapy is the right first step in that direction. 

Now that you’ve found the perfect physical therapist, your first session is right around the corner. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed if you’ve never done this before but there’s nothing to worry about. The professionals you’ve chosen are here to help. To make the experience even easier, here are a few tips to make your first physical therapy session as comfortable, rewarding, and fun as possible.

Do Your Research

Even after you’ve chosen the practice, don’t be afraid to do a bit of extra research on your therapist before the first session itself. Even if you’ve already seen a few, read extra reviews (from more than one website), check out their own website, and even look them up on social media. Of course they are qualified, but you also want to make sure your therapist is a good fit for you both personality wise and in the way they provide care.

Prepare For The Appointment

The main focus of your upcoming physical therapy appointment is to become as active as you were before your surgery or accident, or as close as realistically possible. With that in mind, make sure to wear the most comfortable and adjustable clothes you own. Think of it like you are going to the gym so bring a water bottle, a towel for wiping off sweat (if they don’t provide them already) and maybe even a few snacks to keep you at your prime energy levels.

Set Your Goals

On the way to your first session, take a few moments to yourself and think about what you’re hoping to get out of both the physical therapy session you are about to attend and the entire experience. Be open about your goals and explain them to your therapist. This will help them have an idea what you’re hoping to achieve and what you feel your body is capable of doing.

Speak Up

Especially during your first, but also throughout all of them, know that you have to tell the therapist if something doesn’t feel right. There might be soreness as your stretch but anything beyond that could be an issue. Don’t hesitate to speak up if a certain exercise is too difficult or the pain becomes unbearable.

Take It One Session At A Time

As much as you want to get back to normal, your progress can’t be rushed. The experience you are about to have is about making small, incremental improvements throughout a period of weeks or months. Asking too much of yourself too early can lead not only to frustration but even additional injuries and make the already long process even longer.