
12 Tips to Keep Your Bladder Healthy

Bladder health is one of the most neglected health concerns. It is extremely rare that you hear anyone talking about it even when anyone can be affected by it. The bladder is a hollow organ and it is located in the lower abdomen. It looks more like a balloon and stores the excretion known as urine. 

Urine is basically the excreted product that contains extra fluid and wastes that our body produces after utilizing energy from drinking and eating. Each day, on average a normal adult, produced about a quart and a half of the urine. This urine is then excreted out from the body via the bladder. 

With age, our body starts to get weak and our bladder also changes. The tissues of our bladder become less stretchy and toughen up. When the muscle of the bladder becomes less flexible, it then becomes very difficult for the bladder to hold urine for a longer period of time and you need to visit the washroom more often.

The pelvic floor and bladder wall with ageing also get weak and make your bladder unable to remove all the urine in one go which causes urine leakage. 

While, where you need to get regular health checkups with increasing age, you also need to monitor your health. 

Obviously, you cannot control ageing and everything regarding your bladder but here are 15 tips that according to the urologists in Islamabad can help you with keeping your bladder healthy. 

Let’s have a look at these tips. 

1- When Needed Use Bathroom

We often have a habit of delaying urinating, if we are doing any work or it may be due to procrastinating. But, ideally, you need to urinate at least once, after every three to four hours. If you hold urine for a longer period of time or you delay urinating even if you feel like it, it’ll only weaken the muscles of your bladder, thus increasing the risk of bladder infection and poor bladder health. 

2- Stay Relax While Urinating 

The bladder empties easily when the muscles of the bladder are relaxed. So, in the case of women, it becomes difficult to relax the muscle, if they hover over the toilet. Therefore, it is recommended to sit on the toilet seat so that the muscles of the bladder empty themselves easily. 

3- Take Time to Empty the Bladder 

If you are rushing in urinating, you’ll not be to empty the bladder completely. So, take time to urinate in a relaxed manner. Don’t hold the urine in for too long either as it will increase the risk of bacterial infection

4- Wipe Yourself Properly After Urinating

You should properly clean yourself after urinating. You need to properly wash the area and wipe it from the front and then to the back. This way the bacteria won’t get to enter the urethra and cause infection. 

5- Urinate After Intercourse 

Bacteria is moved from the vaginal cavity and bowel to the urethra during sexual activity. Therefore, in order to reduce the risk the bacterial infection, men and women should urinate after sexual activity.

6- Wear Loose-Fitting Clothes and Cotton Undergarments

You need to be aware of what you are wearing. You should opt for wearing cotton undergarments and loose-fitting clothes as it would help in keeping the urethra dry. If however, you wear nylon undergarments or tight-fitting clothes, it won’t keep the urethra dry as the moisture would be trapped inside. This moisture would ultimately lead to the breeding ground of bacteria.

7- Exercise Regularly and Moderately

Regular exercise is not only good for your overall health but, it is also beneficial in treating constipation and bladder problems. Doing moderate exercise for 20 minutes daily is essential to keep you fit and manage your body weight as well. 

8- Maintain a Healthy Weight

People who are overweight are at higher risk of suffering from various health issues including urine leakage. You need to be physically active, maintain your body weight and opt for healthy eating habits for your bladder health. 

9- Keep Yourself Hydrated

Based on your living area and physical activity, you need to keep yourself hydrated. Our body is approximately made up of 75% the water. For this very reason, it is essential that we keep ourselves hydrated. However, if someone is suffering from certain heart conditions such as heart issues or kidney failure, they need to limit the intake of water. 

10- Watch What You are Eating

If you are suffering from bladder issues, you might need to be mindful about what you are eating. Drinks and foods such as artificial sweeteners, sodas, citrus fruits and juices, spicy foods and tomato-based foods can make your bladder worse. In this case, you need to opt for a bladder-health-friendly diet. 

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11- Limit Caffeine Intake

If you are a tea or coffee lover, you need to limit your caffeine intake. Caffeine is responsible for affecting your bladder health. Drinking any caffeinated drink increases urine production and the urge to urinate frequently. 

12- Be Mindful About Constipation

Constipation can be really problematic. It can put extra pressure on your bladder and affect it to properly expand. You simply need to add fibre-rich foods to your diet such as vegetables, whole grains and fruits, keep yourself properly hydrated and opt for moderate exercise. 

Summing it Up!

Bladder healthy problems can affect your daily life activities. When someone suffers from bladder healthy problems, it becomes very hard for them to focus on work or other activities and then they avoid social gatherings. Urine inconsistency, UTIs and urinary retention are some of the common problems of the bladder. 

Treatment of bladder problems includes lifestyle and behavioural changes, medications, exercise, surgery, or any combination of these treatments. For more bladder health concerns, you can always reach out to the urologist.